Pinoy Taste of Asia is the first Filipino store in the Czech Republic opened in the nation’s capital, Prague this past July 7, 2012. The store provides products not only from the Philippines but other Asian countries as well. Its prime location caters to all types of clientele – from tourists to locals.
Pinoy Taste of Asia is just another ‘home away from home’ for Filipinos who miss certain Philippine products that are not available in local Czech supermarkets.
Every day we offer an Asian meal for lunch (from 11 am to 2 pm). Daily offers are available in the Czech and English languages. We serve an array of freshly squeezed juices and tasty Liberica coffee. (We accept credit cards and meal vouchers)
Our Best Seller Products
Argentina Corned Beef -340 G
Century Tuna Flakes in Hot - Spicy -180g
Dried Yellow Mango - 100G
Milkfish Whole 600-800 G
Potravina: Pokud jste si u nás zakoupili produkt STICK- O UBE žádáme Vás, o jeho vrácení na naší provozovnu. Produkt není vhodný ke konzumaci. Pokud máte nějaké další otázky neváhejte nás kontaktovat: martin.niza@gmail.com Omlouváme se Vám za komplikace. Omlouváme se Vám za komplikace.